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Guiding expatriate women

serenely joyfully holistically

Logo Gateway Coaching By Élo

gateway coaching by élo

“Gateway Coaching by Élo” is designed to support expatriate women through the transitions of their lives abroad, fostering a sense of serenity.


Do you ever feel like you’re lost in translation? 

Are you encountering challenges while living abroad that affect your connection with loved ones? 

Are you questioning your professional path or the future of your career? 

Do you sense a depletion of the vibrant energy that once defined you? 

The experience of living abroad has shown me that while the allure of life beyond borders is strong, it comes with its own set of challenges and disillusionments; the idyllic facade often conceals numerous compromises.

Gateway Coaching provides you with the opportunity to tap into your full potential and restore your equilibrium, no matter where you are. 

Rekindle your vital energy, rediscover your inner peace, and embrace joy.

Élodie van Baars

Life Coach

about élo

Having lived abroad for 25 years and dedicated fifteen years to personal growth, I am deeply passionate about sharing my experiences and assisting women like you.

Connection is paramount.

Allow me to elaborate on my journey as an expatriate.

do any of these scenarios resonate with you?

  • Have you put your career on hold to accompany your partner abroad?
  • Do you find yourself reliant on others (partner, children, social interactions, work) and aspire to reclaim your sense of independence?
  • Are you seeking to reestablish stable reference points in your life?
  • Are you turning to external sources to fill an emotional void (such as any form of addiction)?
  • Would you like to uncover the unique rhythm of your own life?

If you’re navigating the challenges of transitioning to life abroad and are seeking support and guidance, I am here to extend a helping hand. Through the programs tailored specifically for expatriate women that I have meticulously crafted, I am excited to provide you with a genuine lifeline.

Caring, Holistic, Spiritual

choose from the following 3 programs according to your current needs:

Gateway Soul Signature

Yearning for greater recognition, and visibility? Let’s manifest the extraordinary expression of your “SELF,” with a unique graphic signature, I will design for you.

Gateway S.O.S.

Feeling lost or uprooted in life? Let’s spark a deep transformation to rediscover your essence, restore harmony, and bring back your smile.

Gateway Relocation

Having at heart the relocation of your employees overseas to be a success story? Give your employees keys to serene life transitions on expatriation.

Transformative experiences:

what coachees say

"Thank you, Élodie, from the bottom of my heart for guiding me through your unforgettable program. One session in particular will stay with me forever: the one that led me to meet my inner child. This experience enabled me to make peace with this little girl who finally understood that she didn't need to do anything to be loved. You also helped me to create a mental image that later took the form of a vision board, with the aim of always bringing me back to this feeling of love, lightness and inner radiance. Thank you for helping me to dare to shine, thanks to your guidance!"

- Rania, Lebanese living in Dubai

"From my 1st session with Elodie, I noticed something had changed.I felt calm, strong and full of hope. Neither of which I had felt in a long time. Elodie shared with me very clear and objective summaries of our sessions and some points of reflection. I was impressed by how she retained everything from my words without taking a single note, just by calmly listening, connecting heart-to-heart with me. I found her approach gentle, empathic and caring but at the same time very professional and efficient. The results were amazing! Thank you for this gift, Elodie."

- Lydia, Spanish living in Lisbon

The future depends on what you do today.

- Mahatma Gandi

Ready to embrace your expat life with serenity?
Book a discovery session now.